About Trade Tech
Commitments to our stakeholders
HSEQ philosophy
Trade Tech shall be a preferred supplier of electrical- and automation-related solutions, products and services to clients in the oil and gas industry.
Our deliverables shall be of the right quality, implemented and completed in an environmentally conscious manner. They shall comply with all prevailing legislation, regulations, standards and specifications. In combination with a culture of continuous improvement, this will ensure that we meet or exceed our customer companies’ expectations, strengthen their market position and give them a long-term competitive advantage.
Issues of health, safety, the environment and quality (HSEQ) are integral to our line management responsibilities, and shall be natural part of all the actions we implement as part of our daily work.
Our employees are our most important resource. Our zero philosophy for injuries secures their health and well-being. We achieve this by focusing on a healthy working environment that offers opportunities for personal development and believe that this will enable us to achieve our goals.
Management philosophy and toolbox
We are committed to do everything it takes to deserve the role of supplier to our customers. We aim to be a key player in all projects in which we participate, and to be recognized by our stakeholders.
The balanced score card (BSC) concept forms the backbone of our management system. It serves to operationalise the strategies that we set out to achieve our goals.
We employ a process-oriented, ISO-based management system as the basis of our HSEQ activities. The system enables us to provide safe and high-quality products in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner.
We employ the Lean concept as the foundation for the involvement of the entire organization in our efforts to meet our goals of efficient and consistent project execution, combined with continuous improvement.
Business ethics
One of these is our Code of Conduct
Our values
T eamwork: we optimise performance
R esponsive: we offer solutions to our customers 24/7/365
A ccountable: our financial performance secures our future presence
D edicated: our continuous improvement culture enables us to make a difference
T rustworthy: we deliver on time and in accordance with agreed quality and price
E nthusiastic: we offer an inspirational work environment and are exciting to do business with
C ommitted: we always meet or exceed our customers’ expectations
H ealthy: we care about our colleagues, our partners and the environment
A ssuring continued S uccess
We offer solutions to our customers 24/7/365
Get in touch!
We would love to hear from you if you have any questions about our products, systems or services. Please send us a message or fill out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.

Frode Simonsen
Manager Business Development & Marketing
simonsen -at- tradetech -dot- no
+47 900 47 685