Contact us

Trade Tech AS

Strandsvingen 4
4032 Stavanger


post -at- tradetech -dot- no

Get in touch!

We would love to hear from you if you have any questions or comments. Please send us a message or fill out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.

Contact us - general

Trade Tech AS


Svein Arne Moi

Svein Arne Moi

General Manager

moi -at- tradetech -dot- no
+47 915 34 722

Frode Simonsen

Frode Simonsen

Manager Business Development & Marketing

simonsen -at- tradetech -dot- no
+47 900 47 685

Rolf Egeland

Rolf Egeland

Technical Manager

egeland -at- tradetech -dot- no
+47 915 51 204

Mette Haaland

Mette Haaland

Service & Workshop Manager

haaland -at- tradetech -dot- no
+47 971 70 786