Heating medium pump skid (solution)
Heating medium pump skid complete with heating tank and electrical and instrument outfitting.
Based on EPCI contractors specifications design and build a heating medium skid equipment package for operation in a safe area location. The unit is powered and controlled from the rig topside system.
Customer goals
A “plug and play” unit meeting all specifications, delivered on time on a fast-track schedule.
Trade Tech delivery
Delivery of complete freestanding skid with instrumentation and electrical components required for an energy efficient temperature regulation, flow and pressure control and leakage detection. The skid was designed with interface points to rig topside electrical power supply and control system and the heating medium process piping to a walk-way umbilical required to be kept frost-free at wintertime. It was delivered with a complete documentation package including installation, test and operation and maintenance documents. Participation in discussions on a simple control philosophy was also included in the scope.
Simulation of the umbilical back pressure to verify all design criteria were met and the skid ready for “plug and play” installation and start-up was part of the FAT.
Delivery of the skid and documentation package on budget and according to plan on a very short time schedule to the customer’s and client’s full satisfaction.
Installation and start-up were successfully completed as a “plug and play” exercise without the need for Trade Tech personnel.
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